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Useful informations :

The logo from Volume 1, a dragon's head in a Celtic knot circle.

Find out more about the book here!

What is this book ?

Imely is a trilogy about the adventures of four young people who want to save their home world. It's an original work with a few races of my own invention, so please do not take my content with impunity without consulting me first. I strongly advise people under 16 not to read this book, which contains sensitive or even shocking content. Please respect this limit.



I already have the script and organization of the three volumes, so all I have to do now is write them!

what's inside ? - LGBTQ+ representation ; slow burn, tension, angst ; in-depth relationships (sometime forbbiden) ; character developpment ; chaos & comedy (with society criticism) ; mysterious magic and questionnable origins of divinities ; policy made with a table blow (no joke) ; your choice of simple reading or clue hunting ; medieval-fantasy world ; "dinosaurs" & dragons.
(2nd volume in coming. Fully prepared scenario)

The script, the characters, the writing, the cover, the layout... I did it all myself. The english version will be proofread by a professional.

Summary of Volume 1:

<<Imely, "the pearl of dragons", in the ancients' tongue. These winged beasts roamed the skies long before the arrival of the many people of this world, who until then had lived more or less peacefully. However, a curse has been spreading and striking terror among them for centuries: carnivorous karapots, prehistoric creatures, are going insane and attacking on sight for no reason. A notorious thousand-years-old prophecy has it that chosen ones will be able to free the world from its torments. But has this prophecy been accurately transmitted over time?>>

Where can I buy it? Is there only a paperback version?

This book will be available on on BOD, cultura or fnac in paperback or Ebook! Here where you will be able to find it~





Rakuten (Ebook only)




The volume (still in translation) is 500+ pages and measures 15.5x22 (cm). Its price migth be 22~€ (23~$)

-shipping costs not included -

on BOD (this may vary according to the sites on which it is sold, including shipping costs since it comes from a German printing house ) or 9.99€(10.68$) in Ebook.

Paperback is great, but the environment...

I've thought a lot about this, and there are printing companies around us that use sustainable woodlands. The great thing about BOD is its name: Book On Demand. That is, they place a print order only when the book is purchased, so no large print runs waiting 'for nothing'.


It takes longer to arrive, of course, but patience is the price to pay for respecting our planet.



"All books printed by BoD are FSC® certified (FSC-C105338).

This means that the paper we use is made from at least 70% controlled or FSC-certified recycled materials, and that the remaining maximum 30% complies with the requirements for responsible wood, as specified in the Controlled Wood FSC standard.

The most important criteria for this wood are related to avoiding :

- illegally harvested wood
- wood from areas where fundamental and civil rights are violated
- wood from forests whose conversation is threatened by logging
- wood resulting from the conversion of natural forests to plantations or non-forest use
- wood from forests planted with genetically modified tree species."

Source :

Where else can we find you?

I'm present on twitter but I'm now active on bluesky! I share music I've found that fits my universe as well as spoiler-free memes! Join the fun~

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  • ouverture du twitter de Imely
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