Here are their names and roles:
Kettoss: divinity of the karapots
Divlân: divinity of love
Fysi: divinity of nature
Shikymra: divinity of waters (especially oceans)
Ekryv: divinity of energy
Kruvo: divinity of materials
Takuro: divinity of life
Lokum: divinity of smithing
Sikrath: divinity of war
There are a few things to know about Imely's various deities. Firstly: they have no particular gender, appearing to mortals according to their vision of life. This ability has led to a natural openness regarding the gender of Imelyans. Even the most radical nations don't reject a person for who they really are.
For example, Divlân, the divinity of love, could be seen as a candid child in the eyes of a person interested in pure, unconditional love. Just as she might be glimpsed by someone else in a more sultry form, sometimes a woman, sometimes a man.
These variations in perception created quite a bit of discord among Imelians, even within a simple village. Since no one could agree, the Nomegats proposed during a doven (a meeting between the leaders of each race on each continent) to represent them by the symbol deities always have on them. Everyone agreed and chose to place these totems in their places of worship. However, commissions for personal representations of deities are not uncommon. Many painters and sculptors have had the joy of discovering other Imelians' vision of the gods they venerate and respect. The telling nature of these visions is often a source of embarrassment for some, which is why it's not strange for them to remain silent on the subject out of shyness. Respectfully, others don't insist and don't ask the question directly.
How about you? I'll let you share it in the comments~