The Shadow Elves have tale of a man, Payju, born of the essence of Takuro, the deity of life, and Divlân, the deity of love. He traveled all over Imely to learn how the first beings of the world, the Attavveks, lived. He fell in love with a woman of the group, and sought to court her. When he learned about her passion for winged feathered beasts, he had an idea: he decided to acquire wings.
He killed thousands of birds to make them. When he appeared before the Attavek, she was shocked by his actions and rejected him.
Heartbroken, Payju retreated to a cave in Nuvepehis of Kovân. He wept so much that it created a waterfall and an acid lake that killed all life around him. The acid burned his skin, scarring it and knocking out his feathers. All that remained were burnt skeletal limbs in place of his wings.
The Shadow Elves believe that Payju reincarnates from time to time to seek love once more, and that if he is rejected, he will curse their people. He is both feared and respected in their land.