Sorcerers (masters in the art of bewitchment and animal transformation, as well as curses) say that, if they abuse their power, they risk being cursed by the mythical beast Norfelnan and turned into Sorezones: half-human, half-beast beings who have lost their consciousness. To avoid this, they must respect the Code, a set of rules for mages, which is slightly different from that of the Tillythiams.Legend has it, that a sorcerer by the name of Sorezone cursed his own family in order to obtain the ancestral grimoire faster and gain in power. Offended by his breaking of the Code, Norfelnan cursed him and transformed him into a savage being that tore up the famous grimoire before perishing. Since then, enchanters have a saying: The Code thou shalt respect or Sorezone thou wilt expect!
The Sorezones
Updated: 1 day ago