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Volume 1 glossary

Writer's picture: LucykoLucyko


Amargazak : similar to a kentrosaurus.


Bonën : [bo-nen] week.


Dathriaren : [dˈæsɹɪjˌæɹən]·[da-sri-a-ren]

Djamn : year.

Djamnesh : year-end celebration.

Divlan : [di-vlan]deity of love in all its forms.

Doven : world meeting of kartas.


Ehŕemenn : [eh-rem-en]dragonrider.

Ekryv : [eh-kriv]energy deity worshipped by the Nomegats .

Eved : insulting way of talking about a man.


Fa : prefix for a Fairy teacher.

Fŕadan : swearword to express displeasure, but can also mean a prostitution center, depending on the context.

Fysi : [f’i-si]deity of nature worshipped by the Elves and Fairies.


Gerrorth : [ɡˈɜːɹɔː͡ɹt]·[gue-ror-t]

Giganoth : [gi-ga-nos]similar to a giganotosaurus.

Goz-ga : leader.

Gorgahn : a voracious, bloodthirsty monster from a rokath legend.

Gŕash-kùn : Bloody-Fang.

Gŕogvùn : [grog-voon] stupid, gentle teasing in karapot.

Gŕoss : vulgar version of "but".


Helm-ké : [hel-m-keh] Prophesied Ones.

Hiya : [h'i-ya] sister, sis.

Hiyo : brother, bro.

Hiyozo : siblings.

Hovl: [olv] month.

Holvesh : end-month celebration.



Jivenn : [d͡ʒˈɪvən]·[dji-ven] a loving nickname for something small and cute.


Katesh: a ritual that unites lovers' souls.

Karakesh : a rokath ritual to confront the karapot already living in the territory where they wish to settle.

Karapot : [kara-po]

Kazan : similar to a dragon-horse.

Kettoss higŕa : [keh-toh’s ii’gra]By Kettoss’ breath.

Kettoss : [keh-toh’s] deity behind dragons, karapots and Rokaths.

Kort : [kor] similar to an utharaptor.

Koval : similar to a tricératops.

Kruvo : [kroo-vo] deity of materials, worshipped by Dwarves and Nomegats.

Kŕiiv : vulgar version of "stupid".

Kŕa : [kr’a]orc honorific prefix for chief.

Kŕaven : [kr'a-ven] insulting reinforcement to the word to which it is linked. Can also be used to swear.

Kŕeki : deep insult reinforced by the shortcut of "kŕaven".


Lokum : [lo-koom] deity of the forge, worshipped by the Orcs.


Mán’genn : [man-gueh’n] pepper cultivated in Morwean.

Mesta Viemmiën : [mess-ta vieh-miehn]the voice of gods.

Miy : [mi-e] sand warrior.




Pith-chen : [pis-chen] Fairy swearword.



Ramilla : [ramila]

Rakeva : all that comes from Kettoss.

Razna : people bound by razoss

Razoss: some kind of marriage.

Ŕazen : an outcast, a banished Rokath.

Ŕi’ta : princess.

Ŕohé : [ro-eh] Nymph.

Ŕutcha : [roo-cha] moron.


Sa-valok : [sa va-lok] the One dimension.

Shaŕy : [sha-ri] passionate act of Rokaths grabbing each other's tusks.

Shikymra : [shi-kim-ra] deity of oceans, worshipped by the Iquas.

Shii ŕon kŕa sŕenn ŕi shii sŕenn kŕa ŕon : Strength is weakness, but weakness is strength.

Shou-seïn : [ʃˈuːzeɪˈn]·[shoo-seyn] ancient version of "Suphim" meaning "angel" in the language of the Fairies.

Sikrath : [sea-kras] deity of war.

Skŕu-iwo : [skroo-iwo] karapot word to refer to the parent at the top of the family hierarchy.

Skŕu-we : the parents.

Sorezones : [soreh-zon] witches cursed by Norfelnân to lock them in their animal form after abusing their powers.

Spinokyral : similar to a spinosaurus.

Stegoras : similar to stegosaurus.

Sul’vim : fairy insult for something fragile and dependent.

Suphim : [soo-fim] angel.

Sur-bytha : [soor-bisa] darling.


Takuro : [ta-koo-ro] deity of life.

Teshna : people bound by katesh.

Touran : [too-ran] portal.

Touran-he : [too-ran-eh] person returned to Imely via the Touran.

Touran-ho : [too-ran-o] the big teleport to another planet.

Tŕeva : friendly insult in karapot. Means "prostitute".

Tŕovka : vulgar way of talking about feces.

Tyrakoto : similar to a tyrannosaurus.



Vecca: [ve-ka] day.




Yegoth : [jˈiːɡo͡ʊz]·[yeh-got]

Yimhin : "nephew" in the fairy language.

Yoŕh ŕagân va mazug shii va ŕiighen : Our pillows are yours.


Zaŕgog : mark of belonging that Rokaths make on the shoulder.

Za : lady, madame.

Zaŕân : Miss, young lady.

Zebŕon : nothingness, a statue of a Rokath of Kovan without their tusks.

Zgavak : "Nomegat" in the Fairy language.

Zŕavik : go, forwards. Can be understood as "you first" if followed by a name or nickname.


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